Rabbits Section

At Horsforth Golf Club

Information for our Rabbits Golfers

The Rabbits’ Captain and President welcome you to the Rabbit’s section at Horsforth Golf Club.

The Rabbits’ Section at Horsforth Golf Club is a well-established and active section within the club and is for male members aged 18 and over with a World Handicap System Index of 15 and above who enjoy friendly, competitive golf, and an opportunity to play other courses in Yorkshire.

Members can meet and play with other players of a similar standard and, most importantly, have fun taking part. Everyone is welcome to play on either a regular or occasional basis and there are lots of opportunities.

It is an ideal way for new members to quickly find their feet within the golf club, make new friends and learn the merits of friendly weekend or weekday golf.

Information about competitions that we play can be found on the Rabbits’ Notice Board in the clubhouse. These include a number of club and regional competitions, a Captain’s trip and also friendly matches with other golf clubs. If you wish to represent your club, especially in the friendly matches, please feel free to sign up.

How to Join the Horsforth Golf Club Rabbits’ Section

The annual cost of joining your Rabbits’ section is £5.00 per year which goes towards administrative costs, printing, the cost of trophies etc. Anyone wishing to take part in any of the arranged fixtures or league matches will need to be a member of our Rabbits’ section. Please apply through the club office to join.

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