Dress Code

Dress Code

Horsforth Golf Club looks to ensure a friendly and pleasant atmosphere whilst maintaining a standard of dress appropriate to a Private Members’ Golf club.

The following points are intended to guide Members and Visitors: 

Golf Course and Practice Ground

  • Only recognised golf wear may be worn on the golf / Practice course.
  • Players shirts must be collared or crew neck golf shirts and tucked in. 
  • Shorts must be tailored with predominately white sports socks.
  • No cargo style shorts with side pockets or football/ rugby shirts.
  • Hats to be worn with peak to the front.

Within the Clubhouse

  • Members and visitors should wear smart clothing at all times.
  • Muddy and/or wet clothing must be removed before entering any part of the clubhouse. 

Functions Dress Code

Will be as advertised by the House Committee.


Mobile Devices 

  • Please feel free to carry a mobile device whilst on the golf course, however, they may only be used in emergency and must remain on silent mode or turned off. 
  • In the club house discreet use of a mobile is permissible provided it remains in silent mode. 
  • Calls cannot be made anywhere within the clubhouse other than the locker room or in the car park.

They Say Silence is Golden!

We all have bad days on the course but, sometimes, it’s inevitable, and losing your temper whenever you play a bad shot is not going to improve your game or your handicap. 

Please avoid throwing of clubs. Please show respect for your playing partners and other players nearby. Using loud, racist or abusive language both on the course and clubhouse will not be tolerated

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