Closure Policy
Our goal is to provide to the members a golf course available for play all year round, clearly this is not always possible due to adverse conditions, particularly during the winter months.
Decisions on the golf course condition and play will be made Monday to Friday by the Head Greenkeeper and staff, in consultation with the Golf Professionals. On Weekends the decision will be made by the Greens Chairman, with advice from the Greenstaff, again in consultation with the Golf Professionals.
Our full buggy and trolley policy provides information about steps taken to assess the course and the resulting restrictions.
Course Closed
The course will only be closed in the severest of cases for example when the course is snow covered, or severe water logging where permanent damage to the playing areas will not allow the course to recover naturally.
Temporary Greens/Closed Holes
At times temporary greens will be used, or a limited number of holes will be in play to keep the course open.
Course review times
Daily inspections will take place at 7.00am or first light during the winter months.
The course information will be updated initially on the ClubV1 members app and email, then by the course information line 0113 258 6819 ext 1 as the Golf Professionals arrive at the course.